How It Works
Please note that Licensed NZ does not issue Licenses. Links to some official License issuing bodies can be found on the FAQ page. Individual trade Associations are responsible for their members. We provide one central place for you to find them online as quickly as possible.
If you are a tradesperson
Licensed NZ is a dedicated Community for tradespeople who are licensed in their respective trade and association. It is designed to make it easy for you to create a public profile to promote your business through the Licensed NZ search engine and blog. Once you signup, you can enter all relevant details about your business, including a link to your company website and association website (if your association has partnered with Licensed NZ).
The public will be able to find you through the Licensed NZ search engine. They will see the most relevant results displayed based on their location and search criteria. We offer you the chance to promote your own network of other tradespeople you know that are on our website. This can help when a customer wants several tradespeople from different trades that can work together. We do not allow reviews and there are no paid options for higher rankings in search results.
If you are an association
We offer as much information and publicity as we can about each trade Association that chooses to join us and create a profile. We have a section of the website dedicated to the trade Associations where an Association can have their profile displayed to inform and educate the public about the Association.
For Associations that have created a profile, we display Association logos and membership information on each tradesperson's profile to encourage people to remember the Association when they are looking for tradespeople. We list all the latest contact information for each Association on their profile and encourage people to go to the Association's website to learn more about that Association and trade. We also accept articles for the Licensed NZ Blog from Associations in order to promote them and educate the public about that trade and the quality workmanship that their members can offer.
If you are a public user
Licensed NZ is completely free to use, you can easily and quickly search for professional tradespeople that are members of trade Associations. Simply enter the trade type and suburb or area code and click Search. You'll be shown tradespeople around your area. You can also select "Near Me" and show the closest ones to you.
If you wish to learn about a particular Trade or Trade Association, then navigate to the Associations page or to the Licensed NZ blog. The blog will have the latest news articles about the trade industry and Licensed NZ news.
Once you have contacted the tradesperson you want, you are free to negotiate contracts. We are just here to put you in touch.